Stomach and contact insecticide-acaricide with penetrating action against mobile forms of insects and mites. It causes paralysis in insects resulting in their death from starvation, within 3-5 days of spraying.
Enemies – targets: leafbreaker, mite, flies, flies, thrips, teeth, lilymiza
Crops: citrus, peaches, nectarines, apples, pears, vine, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, melon, watermelon, cucumber, strawberry, lettuce
Method of application: foliage spray
Crops last operation before harvest – number of days prohibition of use by:
Dried almonds –
Walnuts –
Akrodrya kastania –
Acrodrya koukunaria (pine or pitch) –
Peanuts –
Dried hazelnuts –
Vine table vine (seeded varieties) 10
Vine vine wine-making 10
Citrus grapefruit 10
Citrus citrus 10
Citrus lemons 10
Citrus tangerine 10
Certificate neratzia 10
Certificate pergamonto 10
Citrus oranges 10
Citrus frapa 10
Vegetable radishes 7
Vegetables greenhouse cucumber 3
Vegetables greenhouse cucumber 3
Vegetables greenhouse watermelon 3
Vegetables greenhouse pumpkins 3
Vegetables greenhouse pumpkin 3
Vegetables greenhouse eggplants 3
Vegetables greenhouse melons 3
Vegetables greenhouse tomatoes 3
Cardamom 7
Watermelons 5
Pumpkins 5
Lettuce 7
Eggplants 3
Melons 5
Roka 7
Pears 3
Quince 3
Apple 3
Peaches 14
Maize grain covered by the time of application of the formulation (up to 6 leaves of the crop)
Marketing approval number: 14551
The information listed in this form is informative and does not in any way replace the instructions for use listed in the approval and label of the preparation.
Plant protection products must comply with the instructions for use and precautions written on the label. For more and validated information, visit the ministry’s website: