Special agricultural, phytosanitary or environmental conditions under which the preparation may be used or excluded:
The preparation contains the active s-metolachlor, which belongs to group 15
against HRAC. It is recommended to alternate with herbicides that do not belong to this
group and / or alternative methods of weed control (mechanical method,
cultivation measures) in order to prevent the development of resilience.
If it does not rain within a week of application, watering should follow
In artificial rain.
SILUETA should not be used in areas where
soil-climatic conditions µcan favor the leaching of the active
substance and its metabolites in groundwater (ie in sandy soils
in areas with high rainfall) but also to avoid
Management of spray droplet dispersion (neighboring crops and
water surfaces)
To prevent the transfer of droplets of the spray liquid to Int
the preparation is used in field crops that are far away
less than:
5 meters from water surfaces.
10 meters from neighboring crops or plants for its cultivation
5 meters from neighboring crops or plants for other crops.
Safety time between application and sowing or planting
of the following crops:
In the same field, do not sow or plant another
cultivation, other than recommended, before passing
at least 5 weeks after application of the herbicide