Crops: Carrot, Potato, Soybean, Asparagus, Tomato (Y)
Approval number: 70115/3-3-2015 Composition: metribuzin 60% w/o
Asst. substances: 43.9% w/w
Formula type:
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Category and mode of action:
Sencor 600 SC is applied pre-emergence and post-emergence to control broadleaf and grassy weeds in potato, tomato, soybean, carrot and asparagus crops.
The active substance metribuzin is a selective intersystemic herbicide (subgroup of triazinones) and at a biochemical level it acts by inhibiting the function of photosystem II of photosynthesis. Metribuzin is taken up by the root and foliage of weeds and exhibits acropetal movement through the vessels of the wood
The information listed in this form is for informational purposes and does not in any way replace the instructions for use listed in the approval and label of the preparation.
Plant protection products must comply with the instructions for use and precautions written on the label. For more and validated information, visit the ministry’s website: