Fungicide, contact bactericide with protective action.
Wide range of action (tree and sprawling crops, see label).
Method of application: Foliage Spray.
Safety time interval between application and human access or
of animals in the crop to which the formulation has been applied: Keep them productive
animals away from the sprayed area for 21 days.
Compatibility: Not compatible with organophosphate and carbamide insecticides
as well as with mancozeb, folpet, captan. It is also not combined with oily preparations
when the spraying is done outside the dormant season of the trees.
Evidence of phytotoxicity, sensitivity of varieties and any other side effects on plants or
their products: It is phytotoxic to peach, cherry and plum after they swell
the eyes. It can also show phytotoxicity to Cucurbitaceae below
certain conditions (High humidity). Phytotoxicity is also present in some
apple varieties. In the apple tree to be used before flowering. In general, avoid
its use during flowering.
Last operation before harvest (Days): Citrus fruits: 21, Acrodrya (Almonds,
Walnut): 28, Apple Tree, Stone Fruit: not applicable (determined by stage of development
of cultivation during application), Vine: (table and wine grapes): 21,
Olive: 21, Vegetables (field + greenhouse): 7, Tomato field: 10, Tomato
greenhouse: 7, Potato, Sugar beet: 21.
Storage conditions, time stability of the preparation: To be stored in
its original closed packaging, in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area. In these
conditions remains constant for two (2) years from the indicated date
of its preparation.
The information listed in this form is for informational purposes and does not in any way replace the instructions for use listed in the approval and label of the preparation.
In plant protection products, the instructions for use and precautions written on the label must be followed. For more and validated information, visit the ministry’s e-mail address: