Application Method: Foliar sprays.
Approved Crops: Wheat, Oats, Rye, Triticale.
Targets by Crop: Wheat, Oats, Rye, Triticale – Septoria (Septoria spp.).
Doses of Preparation: 10-40 L/str. or 80-100 ml/str.
Method & Time of Application: Prophylactically or at the appearance of the first symptoms.
1 the application from the appearance of the first node to the full development of the flag leaf.
2 the application before the beginning of flowering
Max number of applications / growing season Interval (days): 2/21
PHI: Wheat, Oats, Rye, Triticale / 42 days.
Phytotoxicity: The preparation is not phytotoxic in the recommended crops and doses as well as in the Greek soil and climate conditions.
Packaging: Bottle 800 cc