Approval number: 60257/1-7-2009
Composition: propamocarb 53% w/o, fosetyl 31% w/o
Excipients 25.2% w/w
Formula type:
Concentrated solution (SL)
Category and mode of action:
Systemic fungicide with a protective effect.
Propamocarb hydrochloride exhibits little intersystemic movement and its action appears to affect the formation of cell membranes, consequently inhibiting mycelial growth as well as the production and germination of downy mildew spores.
Fosetyl-Al exhibits symplastic and apoplastic movement and acts by inhibiting spore germination but also by inducing plant defense mechanisms.
Lettuce, Pepper, Pepper, Cucumber, Cucumber, Lettuce, Eggplant, Eggplant, Melon, Tomato, Tomato, Melon.
Cultivation Target Dose Method of Application MAE PHI
Sowing: Tomato, Eggplant, Cucumber, Melon, Lettuce Pythium (Pythium spp.) 3 ml. sc./m² with 2 lt water/m² Applications in Sporio* 2 applications: One application after sowing and one application after the germination of the seeds (application interval 7-10 days). –
Pythium peppers (Pythium spp.) 6 ml sq./m² with 2 lt water/m² Applications in Sporio* 1 –
Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber, Melon. (Greenhouse) Pythium (Pythium spp.) 300 ml sc./acre with 300 lt water/acre Root irrigation. Preventive or therapeutic applications. a) Soil cultivation: 2 applications every 7-14 days. b) Cultivation in artificial substrates: 4 applications every 7-14 days. Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber: 3, Melon: 14
Lettuce (Field) Downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) 250 ml sc./acre with 40 l of spray solution/acre Preventive spraying if the conditions favor the development of the diseases Two applications with an interval of 7-14 days if necessary. 21
MAE – Maximum number of applications
PHI – Last pre-harvest application
Method of application:
Seeding sprays, irrigation applications, foliar sprays.
How to prepare spray liquid:
Fill the container of the spray solution halfway with water. Add the required amount of preparation and top up with the rest of the water, continuing to stir.
Instructions for the safe withdrawal of the product and its packaging:
The empty packaging (bottles) are washed under pressure with a suitable mechanism or triple rinsed (the rinse water is poured into the spray liquid) and after being punctured beforehand, to ensure no further use, they are deposited in collection points for recycling or recovery of energy
More evidence:
Edible root vegetables and vegetables of the genus Allium intended for human and animal nutrition may be planted or sown in the same substrate after 120 days from the last application.
Leafy, stemmed, fruiting and cruciferous vegetables may be planted or sown 60 days after the last application.
The information listed in this form is informative and does not in any way replace the instructions for use listed in the approval and label of the preparation.
Plant protection products must comply with the instructions for use and precautions written on the label. For more and validated information, visit the ministry’s website: