35.0 % w/w Excipients
37.5 % w/o Methyl esters
5.0 % w/o Oleic acid
22.5 % w/o Phosphoric esters
General dosage: 1 liter of preparation in 1000 liters of water for twenty acres.
MODE OF ACTION: Dash® HC is a surface-active substance that improves and favors the action of herbicides, fungicides and plant growth regulators. Increases effectiveness by modifying the physical characteristics of the mixture. It reduces the pH, the surface tension (increases the number of drops and the contact surface), protects the active substance from degradation due to UV radiation, increases absorption through the leaf epidermis, increases adhesion and finally reduces evaporation. All these features result in a noticeable increase in efficiency.
FIELD OF APPLICATION: The corresponding field of application of the plant protection product (herbicide, fungicide or growth regulator) with which it is combined.
OBJECTIVES: Increasing the effectiveness and speed of action of the plant protection product with which it is combined. Dose: 50-100 ml/hectare. Volume of spray liquid: 20 – 40 liters per hectare. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Universal spraying mixed with an approved plant protection product at the recommended dose.
The information listed in this form is informative and does not in any way replace the instructions for use listed in the approval and label of the preparation.
Plant protection products must comply with the instructions for use and precautions written on the label. For more and validated information, visit the ministry’s website: http://wwww.minagric.gr